While on the scene of a car accident on Saturday, two Utah firefighters noticed a “very scared” young girl clutching bottles of nail polish. The pair offered to let the girl paint their nails to help calm her down — and left with much more than a new manicure.
“This is how amazing our firefighters are,” wrote the North Davis Fire District of West Point on its Facebook page Saturday. The department explained that Shift Battalion Chief Allen Hadley and Captain Kevin Lloyd were responding to a motor vehicle accident in which the young girl was involved.
The two men were checking in on the crying and screaming girl, while medical personnel tended to her mother, reports The Associated Press. She wasn’t hurt, but very scared, wrote the district. Nobody was severely injured in the accident.
The firefighters, both fathers to young girls, realized the very thing that could help the little girl feel better was already in her own hands.
“After noticing the child was holding bottles of fingernail polish, these two officers started talking to her about her polish and asked her if she would paint their nails,” wrote the station on Facebook. Soon enough, the little girl was feeling better.
“Within minutes, the child was calmly paining their nails and had forgotten about the accident she had just experienced,” wrote the North Davis Fire District. “Great job Chief Hadley and Captain Lloyd for providing awesome customer service to one of our young citizens.”
The department posted photos of the two men proudly posing with their brand new pink and purple manicures. The heartwarming post and sweet act of kindness has since gone viral, garnering over 1,700 shares on Facebook and nearly 300 comments.
North Davis Fire Chief Mark Becraft commented on the post under the department’s account, further lauding the men: “Kudos to these great guys that serve our community, it’s just the little things that make a huge difference.”