Stone Foltz, 20, died on March 7 after an alleged hazing incident with alcohol.
The death of a Bowling Green State University sophomore in March after an alleged hazing incident has been ruled an accident, according to the autopsy report.
Stone Foltz, 20, died of “fatal ethanol intoxication” on March 7 after an alleged fraternity hazing on March 4 at the university in Bowling Green, Ohio, about 15 miles south of Toledo.
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity members gave pledges, including Foltz, bottles of alcohol and urged them to finish the entire bottle, according to lawyers representing the the family of Foltz, who died after three days in the hospital.
“Without question,” the attorneys said of the autopsy results, “he died as a result of a college fraternity induction ritual.”
“The statement that his death was accidental — without any witness interviews or evidence about Stone being forced to drink an entire handle of whiskey — has no value and doesn’t impact anything criminally,” the attorneys told ABC News. “Stone’s death at the hands of fraternity members hazing him and other pledges was both deliberate and reckless, and we will not stop until justice is done.”
On Friday, Bowling Green State University announced it had charged the organization with six violations of the student code of conduct, including causing harm to others, hazing and disrupting order or disregarding health and safety with alcohol. The chapter was placed under interim suspension.
“Hazing is absolutely intolerable. BGSU continues to work with local law enforcement, who are actively leading their own investigation into this serious situation. While these University charges don’t bring back student Stone Foltz, our goal is to hold those accountable who are responsible for this tragedy,” the school said in a statement.
Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity, which oversees all local college chapters, said in a statement to ABC News last month that members were “horrified and outraged” by the incident and that the fraternity would “pursue permanent suspension of Delta Beta Chapter as well as expulsion of all chapter members.”
Foltz’s death has sparked a movement for increased penalties for hazing in Ohio. Two Republican state senators said in March they would reintroduce a proposal to make hazing related to alcohol and drugs a felony if it causes serious harm to someone, according to The Associated Press.