Trump and Corker escalate their feud

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump and Sen. Bob Corker are back at it, trading barbs over Twitter. Corker, R-Tenn., appeared this morning on several news shows, questioning Trump’s capabilities in dealing with North Korea and standing by his earlier claims that Trump has turned the White House into an “adult day care […]

Trump’s refugee ban ends, new screening rules coming

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump’s four-month worldwide ban on refugees ended Tuesday, officials said, as his administration prepared to unveil tougher new screening procedures. Under an executive order Trump signed earlier this year, the United States had temporarily halted admissions for refugees from all countries, with some exceptions. The end-date written into […]

WATCH: Three waterspouts spotted off Indonesian coast

FAN Editor

Now Playing: Total solar eclipse weather forecast, NASA telescope access and more in the path of totality Now Playing: Time-lapse shows cloud inversion in Grand Canyon Now Playing: Three waterspouts spotted off Indonesian coast Now Playing: French president’s dog relieves himself on Elysee Palace fireplace Now Playing: Generators, transformer installed […]

WATCH: NYPD adds 434 officers to its ranks

FAN Editor

Now Playing: Youngest member of the ‘Manson family’ says Charles Manson ‘made you feel really special’ Now Playing: Should you have a sprinkler system in your home? Now Playing: Manhunt grows for suspected Florida serial killer Now Playing: Trial continues for San Francisco pier killing that provoked immigration debate Now […]