Responding to a White House comment that President Donald Trump was joking in calling State of the Union attendees who didn’t clap for him “treasonous,” former Vice President Joe Biden said of the president: “He’s a joke.”
Biden also told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that if he were one of Trump’s attorneys, he’d advise the president not to sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.
“If I were the president’s lawyer, I would probably tell him not to sit down with the special counsel,” Biden said. “You’re in a situation where the president has some difficulty with precision.”
Biden added: “One of the things that I would worry about, if I was his lawyer, is him saying something that was just simply not true without him even planning to be disingenuous.”
The former vice president also said Trump’s constant attacks on the FBI are advancing the goals of Russian President Vladimir Putin by “sowing doubt about whether or not our justice system is fair, sowing doubt about whether or not there is anything that’s remotely consistent with our Constitution. It’s just a disaster.”