“Who wrote that New York Times op-ed?” is one of the greatest unanswered questions to come out of the Trump administration thus far. While the author of the column exposing dissension behind the scenes in Trump world has remained anonymous, they’re about to get a lot more attention by coming out with a tell-all book.
Editors at Twelve, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing and Hachette Book Group, announced that the same anonymous insider has written what they describe as an “explosive book” offering “a shocking, first-hand account of President Trump and his record.” The book, entitled “A Warning,” is due out on November 19.
The person who wrote “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” which was published by the Times on September 5, 2018, was publicly identified only as “a senior official in the Trump administration.” The paper said it knew the author’s identity but agreed to keep it secret it because the person’s “job would be jeopardized by its disclosure.”
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In the op-ed, Anonymous alleged there is a “quiet resistance” to the president within his own administration “working diligently” to block President Trump’s “worst inclinations.”
“A Warning” will pick up where those first words of warning left off, according to the publisher.
While the book’s plain white cover leaves everything up to the imagination, one can imagine, based on the New York Times column, that Anonymous does not hold back. But one thing they still won’t reveal: their name.
The publisher did divulge a few details about the book deal, stating that Anonymous did not take an advance and that the writer plans on donating any royalties they earn to nonprofits “that focus on government accountability and on supporting those who stand up for the truth in repressive countries around the world.”
The book was acquired by publisher Sean Desmond at Twelve via Matt Latimer and Keith Urbahn at Javelin, according to the press release. The Washington Post notes that Latimer and Urbahn are the same literary agents who represented fired FBI director James Comey and former White House aide Cliff Sims for their memoirs of the Trump administration.