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It appears the political world has decided Donald Trump is a powerful force.  DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus,  among many, have waded in with attacks in the Donald sweepstakes.

“News” organizations such as FOX, CNN, and MSNBC have filled their airwaves with Trump quotes hoping viewers will tune in and boost their ratings.  Of course these same networks using his material attack him mercilessly for his thoughts.

There is terminology for this.

Those of us in the world of the responsible American refer to this as cowardice and hypocrisy.

I’ve been asked quite a few times as to my opinion on the Donald.

My answer is this.

Anyone (especially with 100 percent name recognition) that steps into the fray and tells the truth about our crushing debt and criminal border situation is just fine with me.

But Jason what about his prior “attack” on Rosie O’Donnell?

What about it?

Two adults (one who was on a television show that wanted ratings (O’Donnell)) ranted and raved at each other over the airwaves.  American networks drooled and panted and opened every show with  “breaking news” about the on air cat fight.

Millions of Americans tuned in to see who would throw the next punch.

None of this on any level captured my interest.

But the networks filled their allotted time with this inane banality and eventually America chimed in as well.

The Donald/O’Donnell fiasco became a proxy fight between Conservatives and Liberals.

The Liberals lobbed any and all verbal and probably financial bombs possible at Trump.

He wasn’t just in a “fight” with O’Donnell.

The press piled on as well.

Again, I could care less about any of this drivel and the only attention I paid to this media contrived high school food fight was a small shake of my head passing the checkout counter of any store as it seemed every magazine cover had some comment about these two adjacent to “aliens are about to invade Earth.”

But then something happened.

Rosie O’Donnell threw in the towel.  As much as surrendering had to be grating to her, surrender she did.

The Donald had worn her out.  As bad as both of their behavior was apparently only one of them was willing to go the distance.

As America was tuning out…this situation finally had my attention.

You see someone forgot to tell Donald Trump that Rosie O’Donnell had given in.

She’d cried uncle.  She tapped.  No mas.  No more.

Or maybe someone did tell him and he just didn’t care.

Apparently he’d decided he’d been attacked and the fight wasn’t over until he said it was over.

It seemed for months he continued to skewer her in public (and presumably in private) taking any and all opportunities to pile on.  At first I found this to be a bit much.  The whole thing seemed immature to me, his continuing to throw punches after the fight was over made no sense.

The term overkill came to mind.

He’d come out on “top”.

Just quiet down and let the ridiculousness fade away allowing America to focus on more “important” citizens like a Hilton or a Kardashian.

But it simply wasn’t meant to be.

Trump continued to pound and pound until one day my opinion of what he was doing changed.

Don’t get me wrong.

As a matter of fact (not a fact of the matter) the entire situation was still purely absurd.

Adults calling each other names in public while the press ran around baiting them with “he said this” and “she said that” falls into the category of “are any of them smarter than a fifth grader?”

But as Trump continued on…the Liberals began to shrink away.

As they shrank away he increased his barrage until one day no one stepped up or into the fray on anything Trump discussed.

The Donald gave the Liberals of taste of their own medicine.

In Liberal political terms this is called “scorched earth”.

It worked against Mitt Romney and works very well against their adversaries in general.

Stay on the attack, lie when beneficial to the “cause” and create so much noise and discomfort the other side simply gives up. Gives in.  Cries uncle.  Taps.  No more.  No mas.

War is the continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz) and although the term “love” shouldn’t be used in this context “all is fair in war”.

The Liberals subscribe to this theory wholeheartedly and have been fighting a war for years now.  The term “Liberal” also includes many Republican politicians currently in office including Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and ones that aren’t such as Jeb and George Bush.

Their panic has begun as into this fray stepped…Donald Trump.

Someone they know is willing to scorch and torch not only the Earth under their feet but his own as well.  He thrives on the drama and when combined with overwhelming name recognition his domination of the ratings driven media was a foregone conclusion.

For some people this is a return to NBC’s “must see TV” (no Cosby pun intended here).

America has been screaming for someone, anyone, to stand up and do something, anything, to stop the corruption, lies, and overt crime taking place in Washington D.C.

Of course we are here pounding away everyday but currently we don’t have Trump’s name “fame”.


For those of you who’ve read Late Bird you are aware our time doesn’t completely arrive until early 2016.

Could the time frame change?  Certainly.

But unless or until it does the only person talking about the real problems in America on a level that is being heard is Donald Trump.

Is he scorching everything around him with his verbiage?

Yes he is.

Is this good for America?

No, it isn’t but something has to be done…and that something…is us.

While both sides are down in the gutter serious Americans with serious minds willing and able to implement new systems and ideas must continue to come together in what will be the ultimate defense of our country, of our freedom.

Trump is right.

The debt and border are crushing us monetarily, criminally, and emotionally.

He has also correctly observed one cannot bring a knife to a gunfight.  So in layman’s terms the Donald brought a “flamethrower” and is moving from left to right and back again hitting anything that moves.

Is Donald Trump the right person to be President?

Probably not.

But as I’ve stated many times when the pendulum swings it never stops in the middle.  The energy gathered swinging from one side always over corrects.

Trump would attempt to run our country as a “business”.  Some believe this is a good idea but in reality it’s only better than what is currently happening or a term we’ve all become familiar with:

The lesser of two evils.

That isn’t what our Constitutional Republic is for and will never work.

Government is never supposed to make a profit and those who point to certain government takeovers in the private sector as positives only show their lack of economic knowledge, complete misunderstanding of freedom, and tighten the proverbial noose around their own necks.

There is a word for a government controlled economy.

The word is Communism.

The only role of OUR government is to serve and protect the individual citizen affording each American the same opportunity to succeed or fail of their own accord.

To pursue happiness to the best of our own ability, dreams, and desire.

To restore freedom the Liberal mindset of government must be removed completely and permanently.

The Donald will never do this.  It isn’t in his DNA to give up control once he has claimed victory.

To return control back to the States.

Back to the Counties.

Back to the people and the individual the Constitution protects.

But God bless Donald Trump.

I absolutely believe he truly loves America.

Furthermore, he is the only one the country can hear right now telling the truth and shining the light on our real issues.

The only one.

There is one thing of which I have no doubt.

The Donald would definitely build one heck of a wall.

We just need the right person at the bully pulpit to make sure that wall says the United States of America.

Not Property of Trump.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus



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