OAN’s Brooke Mallory
11:40 AM – Friday, May 31, 2024
According to internal documents obtained by the outlet The Daily Wire, a Department of Justice section dedicated to “preventing and responding to hate crimes” tracked Moms for Liberty (MFL), a conservative education policy group led by women, in the same way that it tracked the openly racist and frowned upon Ku Klux Klan.
The DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) monitored Moms for Liberty along with groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the Oath Keepers.
“The ideology of the Oath Keepers most closely resembles that of the militia movement, whose adherents
believe that the United States is collaborating with a one‐world tyrannical conspiracy called the New World Order to strip Americans of their rights—starting with their right to keep and bear arms. Once Americans are rendered defenseless, the theory goes, they too will be enslaved by the New World Order,” according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
The emails revealed that the Ku Klux Klan and the Oath Keepers were purportedly the only other groups whose movements were monitored in a similar manner.
In response to a lawsuit brought by America First Legal on behalf of The Daily Wire, the DOJ finally provided records that it had withheld from the public after initially rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request.
It showed how the Community Relations Service, whose stated mission is to “prevent and respond to community tensions and hate crimes, bias, bullying, and discrimination,” used tech provided by Google and LexisNexis alerts to track down Moms for Liberty.
“The DOJ did not return a request for comment on why it was tracking Moms for Liberty. It appears to have used its tracking of Moms for Liberty to identify school boards considering enacting conservative-leaning education policy. It then pressured school boards to defer to the DOJ to resolve the differences of opinion between duly-elected conservative officials and leftist activists, instead of enacting platforms they won elections on,” according to the Daily Wire.
Emails from Hannah Levine, a DOJ-CRS “Conciliation Specialist,” were obtained by The Daily Wire. The emails indicate that her only activity was monitoring alleged “hate” by creating keyword alerts on Google Alerts and LexisNexis.
An article that appeared in a Google Alert on July 20th, 2023, regarding “moms for liberty’ Virginia,” highlighted that the “Virginia Department of Education releases new policies for transgender students.” Nevertheless, a few days later, Levine wrote to the Roanoke County, Virginia school board members, offering “our services in conflict resolution.”
“CRS is aware of ongoing community tensions in Roanoke County following the release of the new model policies for transgender students. I’d like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support and services as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this,” she wrote in an email.
School boards had been considering implementing a new “model” policy that Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) drafted. It forbade schools from aiding underage students in transitioning genders without their parents’ permission and consent.
“Gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder that is being normalized by predators across the USA. California kids are at extreme risk from predatory adults. Now they want to ‘liberate’ children all over the country. Does a double mastectomy on a preteen sound like progress?” stated a tweet from Moms for Liberty on July 25th, 2022.
Critics of the conservative group maintained that the above tweet from Moms for Liberty is based in hatred, not facts.
However, “Gender dysphoria (GD), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5), is defined as a ‘marked incongruence between their experienced or expressed gender and the one they were assigned at birth.’ It was previously termed ‘gender identity disorder,’” according to the National Library of Medicine.
Even the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 manual acknowledges that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.
Additionally, it is important to note that Moms for Liberty and Roanoke’s elected leaders have not been shown to be involved in any hate crimes whatsoever.
Far-left groups like civil rights watchdogs or the Southern Poverty Law Center, who have openly deemed MFL a hate group, have merely done so by their own interpretation of what they personally consider to be hate.
The Southern Poverty Law Center was started initially for positive reasons, being a public-interest law firm in the South that represented poor people who could not represent themselves in court. However, the organization later shifted into a “left-wing smear factory,” as The Heritage Foundation has labeled it. Many have theorized that the reason for this is due to the fact that social justice organizations who work to smear conservative campaigns or GOP interest groups often receive more donations from affluent lefties.
In relation to the Department of Justice’s obtained emails, it seems as though the DOJ’s “hate crimes” sector was working under the alleged assumption that either the Republican governor’s proposed gender transition policy was inherently “hateful” or that unlawful leftist protesters fighting against it were the source of “tensions,” which allowed for federal intervention aimed at reducing the tensions through conciliation.
Meanwhile, the left-wing state-funded outlet NPR reported on Moms for Liberty back in June of last year, and the outlet similarly mislabeled the conservative women-led group as well.
“Moms for Liberty, founded in early 2021 by conservative women in Florida, has quickly expanded its presence across the country. It has landed national media attention for its efforts—sometimes successful—to fight COVID safety measures in schools, ban books, limit discussion about race and LGBTQ identities, and populate local school boards with conservatives,” the NPR article read.
However, what the article failed to mention is that MFL was against COVID-19 policies that have no scientific backing, concepts that have now been debunked. For example, standing or sitting “six feet apart” does not inhibit one from contracting COVID-19, since it’s an airborne virus. Additionally, the COVID-19 vaccine itself has now been proven to not stop transmission of the virus, which contradicts what “experts” first claimed was necessary to take in order to “stop the spread” of COVID-19. Many people who received both the vaccine and its additional boosters still later contracted COVID-19.
The National Institutes of Health reported that, “regarding U.S. data on COVID-19 in adolescents, as of April 2, 2020, among 149,082 cases in all age groups for which patient age was known, only 2,572 (1.7%) of these occurred in children aged <18 years [under 18].”
Nevertheless, as time passed after the pandemic, the truth eventually started to come out.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation, ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19, “sort of just appeared” without scientific input,” The Post reported in January of this year.
“Former NIH Director Francis Collins [also] confessed that the government’s sweeping social-distancing guidance wasn’t backed by the science we were all supposed to be following,” according to The Federalist outlet.
In regards to school library books that the MFL group has voiced concerns about, the majority of them feature or describe pornographic material and sexually explicit content—things that most parents agree are not suitable for underage children. The group argues that sexuality is very openly being pushed on young children in the school system, when kids should be focusing instead on English, math, science, history, etc.
Lastly, MFL’s issue with critical race theory (CRT), which NPR described as “limiting discussions about race,” revolves around how CRT essentially teaches people of color (POC) to have a resentful “victim mindset,” according to the conservative group. This can inhibit a child’s inner resilience and full potential as an intelligent, capable individual who is responsible for his or her actions, just like any other productive member of society.
“The core idea [of CRT] is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies,” according to EducationWeek.org (edweek.org)
The group has argued that if a child is convinced that the whole system looks down on them due to the color of their skin or nationality, then this can damage them and they can naturally start to become passive, bitter, or angry, lessening ambition to succeed or fulfill their potential. Minority children can easily begin to feel hatred towards other races as well, blaming them for these unfair “racist systems.”
Moms for Liberty has also discussed how the overwhelming majority of public-school educators and administrators are left-wing and identify as either Democrat, socialist, or Marxist. The MFL group has previously expressed that they want a more even playing field for conservatives to join school boards as well, for there to be more balance, not just a left-wing echo chamber. An article titled, “Why Are Teachers Mostly Liberal?” was posted by pacificresearch.org in 2019, explaining this in part.
Meanwhile, Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice called the email findings “a new low for the Department of Justice.”
“We reject the notion that advocating for parental rights and the well-being of children is an act of hate, and we call on the Department of Justice to clarify its position on this matter,” she told The Daily Wire. “The actions of the federal government should never infringe upon the rights of parents to engage in the democratic process.”
The CRS’s budget increased from $12.5 million under the Obama administration to $15.5 million in 2019. Trump also made an unsuccessful attempt to abolish CRS in 2020 since the Heritage Foundation had previously reported that it was merely inciting racial tensions.
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