Transcript for Cellphone video captures train slamming into truck stuck on track
Next, the dramatic video of accidents at railway crossings. One day after we showed you a train slamming into a truck in Georgia. Video of another accident emerging, this one also in Georgia. The driver getting away just moments before that happened. ABC’s Steve osunsami with the question — how safe are America’s railroad crossings? He’s so screwed. Reporter: Federal railroad officials tonight say that on average, what’s about to happen in this cell phone video takes place about three times a day in America. This was in the suburbs north of Atlanta on Monday. The truck appears to have bottomed out, trying to cross the railroad tracks, there’s a sign here, warning trucks to keep away. A crew member on the train had to be hospitalized. Witnesses say the truck driver got out in time. When the train struck the truck, it was the biggest, loudest boom. Oh, god. Reporter: Just two days earlier, here it is about happen again, about an hour west of Atlanta. This time, it was a tractor trailer stuck on the tracks. Last year, 155 people were killed in these train collisions, including three who died at this railroad crossing in Mississippi. There are more than 1,300 of these accidents at railroad crossings every year, and the calls for change are getting louder. Tom? Steve, thank you.
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