Student loan debt in America has been called a crisis.
The loans many students take out to cover their education can impair them from owning houses and saving for retirement later in life.
And many others can’t even make their monthly payments. Some 40 percent of borrowers are expected to default on their loans by 2023.
In some states, the situation is worse than others.
That’s the takeaway from a new project by The Urban Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, which has mapped student loan debt across the country.
Here are 10 states hit hard by student loans.
Share of residents with student loan debt: 21%
Median student loan debt: $24,131
Median student loan debt in collections: $10,154
Share of residents with student loan debt: 20%
Median student loan debt: $18,777
Median student loan debt in collections: $10,861
Share of residents with student loan debt: 20%
Median student loan debt: $18,544
Median student loan debt in collections: $8,359
Share of residents with student loan debt: 20%
Median student loan debt: $17,315
Median student loan debt in collections: $9,492
Share of residents with student loan debt: 20%
Median student loan debt: $16,443
Median student loan debt in collections: $7,746
Share of residents with student loan debt: 20%
Median student loan debt: $15,236
Median student loan debt in collections: $7,778
Share of residents with student loan debt: 19%
Median student loan debt: $18,487
Median student loan debt in collections: $9,787
Share of residents with student loan debt: 19%
Median student loan debt: $18,062
Median student loan debt in collections: $8,526
Share of residents with student loan debt: 19%
Median student loan debt: $17,667
Median student loan debt in collections: $8,802
Share of residents with student loan debt: 19%
Median student loan debt: $16,701
Median student loan debt in collections: $9,281
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