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Transcript for Teen rams motorcycle officer off bike
It’s gone this. Thick solid but. Six though it opened them that they rumble but what about vehicle if on the back La. More likely he won’t it will mail billboards within Bubba. Protect. Bob. I. Won’t but Huntsman. Who. With that nobody thought but the thought this up and it will be the last. I. Yes. Yes Paula I’ve been. Prevalent but you but you know. The and it ought not McVeigh. This thanks very much of I don’t have a button of the but let me speak to all optic if ordered it but you very much the.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“duration”:”1:22″,”description”:”A British teenager has been jailed for three years after he rammed a police motorcycle, knocking the officer to the ground.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/International”,”id”:”75542468″,”title”:”Teen rams motorcycle officer off bike”,”url”:”/International/video/teen-rams-motorcycle-officer-off-bike-75542468″}