Transcript for Red Sox fans damage World Series trophy
We’ll switch gears to the Boston red sox and that blunder. Hundreds of fans out celebrating the new world series champs but they may have taken it too far with the excitement or maybe trying out for the team, I don’t know but T.J. Holmes. T.J. Is here with the story. It’s that simple. They broke the trophy. Some people just can’t have nice things. We’ve seen championship trophies that get passed around so sometimes people will drop them and they break. Not Boston. Take a look at what happened to their trophy. It’s going down the street for the parade and then it gets clocked by a beer. Yes, someone tosses a beer that breaks the trophy. We’re told minor repairs are needed so it’s not that big of a deal, but leave it to Boston. They know how to celebrate? They say the sox are cursed but they still won the series so cursed in another way with the trophy. Seems like tossing the beer. More than a toss. Tradition now to do this. It’s scary to think it is tradition but they’ve been having a lot of parade celebrations in Boston between the patriots and red sox for the past — Don’t remind me. But what the fans have taken to do is toss beers and liquor up to the players and the players over the years have cracked them open and started drinking. Mookie BETTs is dodging them and says this needs to stop. Alex Cora, the manager was hit by one and they found the guy who threw it and the guy was arrested so this is tradition now. They’ve been doing and players over the years will crack them open and drink them but it is a dangerous practice. Another young lady was hit with one, had to go to the hospital for stitches. So but it is their tradition, if you will. Be careful. Drink it yourself. That’s what I practice. Just not on air. Not at 7:00 A.M.
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