Transcript for Meghan Markle’s friends says she is bullied
We are back now with duchess Meghan’s close friends setting the record straight in an exclusive new interview with “People” magazine saying the new Roya is being bullied and not the woman tabloid headlines make out her to be. James Longman has more. Good morning. Reporter: Well, when a woman joins the British royal family she’s often subjected to a lot of criticism. We saw it with Dianna, we see it with Kate and now we’re seeing it with Meghan but her friends are saying this time it’s different and they want it to stop. This morning, five of duchess Meghan’s closest friends in a rare interview coming to the defense of their friend who’s been dubbed duchess difficult by British tabloids since marrying prince Harry. Meghan’s friends who are protective of her privacy telling “People” magazine they’re speaking out because we want to stand up against the global bullying we are seeing and speak the truth about who our friend, a mother-to-be, really is. No one would speak out without her subtle blessing. She’s not like she’s been portrayed in the British press, her friends say and she is kind and selfless and caring individual, the sort of person who puts other people first all of the time. Reporter: These friends including some she’s known for a long time speak anonymously saying they worry critical articles affect Meghan who is expecting her first child with Harry in April. We worry about what this is doing to her and the baby. It’s wrong to put anyone under this level of emotional trauma, let alone when they’re pregnant. They feel she’s being portrayed as an uncaring daughter, as somebody who is a demanding bride. Reporter: They open up about Meghan’s fractured relationship with her father Thomas who infamously staged this photo shoot with Paparazzi just days before her wedding and later had a heart attack leading him to miss his daughter’s big day. Prince Charles walked her down the aisle instead. They say after the wedding Meghan wrote Thomas a letter saying, I’m so heartbroken. I love you. I have one father, please stop victimizing me through the media so we can repair our relationship. They say he wrote her a letter in return asking for a photo-op with her which they say was painful and missed her point. I think she will always feel genuinely devastated by what he’s done. Her friends also reject the idea that she’s a difficult boss. Everything meg stands for is supporting and empowering women who you see at walkabouts. That’s me. G. We see a person who treats everyone the same and she is the same person though everything around her has changed. Her friends also telling ABC news’ royal contributor there is nothing bend the reportses of an alleged feud with her sister-in-law Kate. What Meghan’s friends are saying about the so-called feud with duchess Kate is that it’s completely untrue, in fact, these stories have upset Meghan and been quite difficult for her to kind of sit back and watch play out in the public eye so today will be a day hopefully those rumors can be put to rest. Reporter: Now, they also talk about how much she meditates, how important her faith is to her which I thought was quite interesting. It’s unclear who these friends are or how close they are to Meghan but I think it’s safe to say the British press here has presented her pretty negatively. Is it because she’s mixed race? Is it because she’s American? There are a lot of theories. One thing we do know, the duchess just gets on with her job. I can’t imagine that level of scrutiny, thanks so much. This week’s issue of “People” magazine is on newsstands Friday. Think about how much her life has changed and how she’s handled it with such grace. We hope people can be kind. There is no relief from it.
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