Transcript for Hurricane Michael leaves at least 200K Floridians in the dark
And again, this hurricane still on the move tonight. And as rob mentioned, the real concern going into these other states will also be the power there, as well. Already from the effects here in Florida, hundreds of thousands of people would power tonight. It’s not expected to be back on for days, in some cases, authorities say, it could be weeks. ABC’s Vick to Oquendo tonight in the capital of Tallahassee with that part of the story. Reporter: David, this is what we were afraid of all along here in Tallahassee. The Myers park neighborhood was hammered. There are massive downed trees everywhere. Take a look at this one. It basically sliced this roof in half. And just feet away, take a look at the damage done to this house. This tree so massive, it spans the entire length of the roof, you can see it, all the way there in the backyard. Everybody here is without power right now. At least 200,000 customers in Florida without power, as well. Could be that way for days, maybe even weeks. David? Victor Oquendo with us tonight. Victor, thank you.
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