Transcript for Extreme weather batters both US coasts
New to the extreme weather we’ve beencking. At lea six reported tornadoes ping across the south. Plus, ers dealing with heavy snowsouth Dakota. Take a look ATS, a massive landslide east Pittsburgh, the area taking a beating this year with an unusual amoof wet weather. Did the soakingns contribute to mess? ABC’s Kenneth Moton tss off night. Reporter: Thereescaping mother nature tonias she torments millions fr coast-to-coast. Six reported tornadoes touched down from Texas to misippi. This gas station ode short, Louisiana, demolished in Thad of night. Powerful winds top trees, ew out windows and tore the of off this house. Tning sparked across the Mississippi sky. Anemergency sirens could be D across Rockwell, Texas. Torrentialn washed out roadways aumped large hail. It’s the size of a tennis ball! Reporter: Spring snow blanketed the midw whiteout conditis blinded these drivers South Dakota. Icy condns are being blamed for thiscar pileup in Colorado. Paof northern California are also dealingith heavy rain which closed R in San Francisco. Flood concerns shut down yosemite. The wear aear of this unrelenting weather on full display Ast pittsburgh.rt of route 30, a major road plunged nearly four stories after a landslthis morning. This building D out. No one hurt but doze of residents forced to uate. And kenneoton joins us from east pittgh. The afrmath of that landslide, do officials know what tried this yet? Eporter: Tom, they’re still trying to figure out why T hillside came down. Takiut THA road above and the apartment building below you can the edible destruion and the Canup happening behi yes, it’s spring, it’s possibly the ual wet winter could be a factor people here got three-times much rain in februaran they typiy get. Such a rough winter for S many across the coy. Sam champion going us now. We’re still tracking some storms througthe night. This line caused the dam in south. Some folks, stormsf north Tampa and nor Florida, couple hours ling the coast. A few lines of storms in Virginia as well. Here drops some cold air right behind all that. This is bitter chill, 25-degree S temperature, Sunday morning windchill in new York. That cold air in ace, fresh coat of snow in louis. Chicag Tomo, some mild air here for the end of the week for a good part of the count We lk forward to that, Sam, thank you uch. Next to the changes coming
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