Transcript for Dog saved after trapped in Florence floodwaters
We E are back now with that incredible rescue. Good samaritans finding and saving a dog trapped in the floodwaters from hurricane Florence and the biggest dog lover, I know, Lara Spencer is here with the story. This dog is not available for adoption but what a story. They say cats have nine lives well, this North Carolina dog named soshe has at least two, surviving nearly a week floating on a couch. I could probably squeeze through there. Reporter: Watch this amazing rescue as these fearless workers help free a trapped dog from this home submerged in water. The humane society of Missouri’s disaster response team risking their safety as they maneuver by boat through the flooded aftermath of hurricane Florence, water rising to the rooftops. The volunteers’ heads barely above water responding to a desperate call from a dog owner named MARIA bass. Her pet dog soshe trapped inside her home. Oh, I see it. Will it come to you. Come on, buddy. Good boy. Come on. That’s a good boy. It’s too small. We can — we’ll get it open. Reporter: The first two rescue attempts driven back by impactable waters but on the third try. One, two, three. Good job. I’ll hold the door. Reporter: The rescuers Chad gard and Jessica Crampton able to kick down the door for soshe. Her paws kicking her way to safety. I got her. Coming out, coming out the front of the boat. I got you. Reporter: Soshe finally free and reunited with her owner after floating on a couch inside the house for nearly a week. We have her back because it’s our family member. We’re all happy to have her. Oh, we can totally relate and the humane society had hundreds of rescue stories in the days after Florence but rescuers call that one that you just saw one of the most dramatic and miraculous rescues they have ever encountered. Learning about how to protect pets. This is important. If you have time before a hurricane hits your area, the humane society suggests if you can, pack a pet emergency bag for your beloved cat, dog, pig, whatever, with food, toys, familiar blanket, whatever they need and love and bring them with you or if you can’t try to get them to a chem or vet to be cared for. It’s not always easy, it can be expensive but it is so recommended if possible as you just saw firsthand. And worth it. And we’re seeing more and more shelters are allowing animals because I remember when we were kids growing up in the gulf coast they wouldn’t allow you to take your dogs to the shelter. I know. They were expecting incoming but, yes, ask. It’s worth an ask. Sure is. Thank you for that, Lara.
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