In lieu of a world where actors, singers, athletes and comedians have lost their craft, and their minds, I thought it appropriate, this Sunday, to tie in as many “entertainment” references as possible while the NFL continues to pretend they are still relevant.
As Jackie Gleason once said and away we go!
In this week’s episode of the Days Of Our Lives, the supporting cast of Criminal Act attempted to steal the spotlight, first with Eric Sleeping With The Enemy Swalwell, followed by Dianne Lost in Space Feinstein.
Interestingly enough both had interludes with Chinese spies as Dianne played her part in Driving Miss Daisy while Eric decided he wanted his Communism pants down and in the back seat.
That’s the fact Jack!
Both think they are stars but in reality need stripes.
Black and White.
I’m sure all of this was Lost in Translation as I doubt either of them speak Mandarin.
Happy Ending Massage, yes.
Mandarin, no.
While the Senator’s head was filled with Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Eric had to keep apologizing for his role in a Forty Year Old Virgin.
Curiously, I was under the impression that Fart Man was gay.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Black Lives Clatter decided to threaten OPIE (Office of President Incompetent Elect) if they weren’t compensated for their parts in burning down Black businesses which apparently lead to Dominion changing ballot totals because the Germans and Venezuelans, who somehow had access to the results before the rest of us, didn’t want to be thought of as “racist”.
Hugo, Hitler, and Ron Howard have come a long way.
Of course none of that made any sense but the process of putting Black humans in charge simply because they are black doesn’t make any sense either.
Just ask South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Haiti, Minneapolis or Wakanda.
While you are at it get rid of the cops too, “cuz there’s a new sheriff in town and his name is Reggie Hammond” and let the Somalis enforce Sharia around the Twin Cities.
Can’t wait to see the Mall of America become the Hall of the Democratic Republic of Congo!
All visitors must put on your masks, yes, all the way over your eyes, and make sure you put on your Tyvek body suit with hood and booties.
We can’t be seeing any skin.
Mohammed would not be pleased and in recognition of good ol Mo. . .Aloha Snackbar!
It was reported that Groper Joe Biden broke his foot while chasing his pet Naked and Afraid.
In reality it was Clifford the Big Red Dog fleeing the scene, like a good Liberal, when he found Hunter’s daddy on all fours coming in for a scratch and sniff.
Oh snap, I’m so shook I clapped back! Can’t say Red anymore because it ain’t woke and considered racist to the Indians who were never from India or as Loretta Sanchez likes to say, “Woo Woo or red dot?”
Speaking of Washington the NBA, years ago, changed their name in the Capitol to Wizards from Bullets.
That changed nothing as America’s trip to Oz continues to be filled with men and women with no brains, no courage, and no heart and yes the ninety plus percent in D. C. who “vote” Democrat, are still shooting each other, including but not limited to Donna Brazile’s “friend” Seth Rich.
Ol Charlie had no idea what he was implying when he wrote Behind Closed Doors.
The politicians in D. C. continued to sell the idea that more debt will rescue the needy and save the planet.
Kill the cows, print more greenbacks, and victimize, err, vaccinate the nurses, doctors, blacks and all poor countries first, according to the woman famous for marrying the man who stole his ideas from IBM AND Steve Jobs.
I know I want my medical advice from a thief’s wife pretending to be Nurse Ratched.
Sounds like Tuskegee all over again and no not the Airmen.
Speaking of air I wonder how much the Kennedy Space Center will get this time.
Lebron the bigot who nicknamed himself after a white man James, and enjoys surreptitiously threatening caucasians, was challenged by a pale face, one hundred pounds lighter than the African Queen.
UFC fighter Colby Covington called out Lebron and any other NBA privileged athlete after a YouTube personality Don Meredithed a former Chinese supporting Association player.
Lebron apparently has the courage to talk smack to a seventy-two year old White man in the Oval Office but can’t seem to find his voice when the Octagon came calling.
He’s probably somewhere with Obama looking for his high school diploma and Barack’s college transcripts.
Both can be found in the fiction category on Amazon under the title Lies and Alibis also known as Twitter.
Jason Kraus