Mass. senate president’s husband accused of sending nude photo

FAN Editor

BOSTON — New allegations have surfaced against Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg‘s husband, Bryon Hefner. Mass Live reports Hefner is accused of sending an unsolicited nude photo to someone who works in state politics. The picture was reportedly sent in a text message earlier this year, according to CBS Boston. The new […]

Video purportedly shows slain Yemeni ex-president

FAN Editor

SANAA, Yemen — Hours after Saudi Arabia threw its support behind former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was once allied with the country’s Houthi rebels, those rebels announced that they had killed Saleh and said the country’s war-torn capital was united under their Iranian-backed insurgency. In messages posted online, […]

Parents describe emotional reunion with missing teen daughter

FAN Editor

A Florida teenager is home this morning after running away with a high school soccer coach for nearly a week. Seventeen-year-old Caitlyn Frisina was reunited with her parents over the weekend in Syracuse, New York. Twenty-seven-year-old Rian Rodriguez is under arrest. These last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster […]

Billy Bush confirms it was Trump on infamous tape

FAN Editor

Billy Bush reminded everyone Sunday that it was President Trump’s voice on the damning “Hollywood Access” tape that was leaked during the 2016 presidential election, the former television host confirmed in a New York Times op-ed. Bush penned the piece  amid reports that the president is casting doubt it was […]

Kennedy Center Honors celebrates artists, skips political drama

FAN Editor

WASHINGTON — This year’s Kennedy Center Honors recognizing outstanding artists and performers managed to skip the political drama that loomed over it earlier this year — just ask honoree Norman Lear. Ahead of Sunday night’s festivities at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the longtime television producer behind […]

50 years of “60 Minutes”

FAN Editor

Looking back at 50 years of 60 Minutes, it’s worth noting that the longest running broadcast in prime time television history was created by a man with a notoriously short attention span. Don Hewitt was bored by hour-long documentaries and thought any story worth telling could be done in ten […]

Memorable “60 Minutes” moments

FAN Editor

This season, 60 Minutes celebrates its 50th season on the air, making it the longest-running news broadcast in primetime. Executive producer Jeff Fager writes about the broadcast in his book Fifty Years of 60 Minutes, detailing behind-the-scenes moments since its inception under creator Don Hewitt. “60 Minutes took a while […]