Can stocks possibly climb any higher?

FAN Editor

Things could hardly look better for the average investor. Monday brought yet another powerful surge in stock prices as all three major US benchmarks notched new record highs, following Friday’s all-time highs. Monday marked 2017’s 70th record-high close for equities — itself a new record. Investors are clearly stoked as Congressional […]

Finding forgiveness for a racist

FAN Editor

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley interviews Christian Picciolini, a reformed white supremacist who now works to rehabilitate those who are still hypnotized by hate.   Picciolini says isolation drove him to become a white supremacist. As a child, he had been relentlessly bullied and felt as though […]

Trump says he’s not planning to fire Robert Mueller

FAN Editor

President Trump said Sunday he is not considering firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the wake of calls from some Republican allies to shut down the Mueller probe into Russian involvement in the 2016 over allegations of bias by FBI officials. “No, I’m not,” Mr. Trump told reporters upon his […]

Rejecting Hate, in reversal

FAN Editor

Terrorism has come to mean Islamic extremism. But the fact is, since 9/11, more than twice as many Americans have been murdered by white supremacists. This threat exploded into view this past August when a protest aimed at a Civil War monument in Charlottesville, Virginia ended with one dead and […]

Saving rhino with helicopters

FAN Editor

How do you save a prehistoric looking animal that’s ornery, exotic and weighs around a ton? Especially when it lives in places that are hard to get to. That the rhinoceros is in trouble is not a new story. For years, they’ve been crowded out of their habitats, and hunted […]

Saving rhinos with helicopters

FAN Editor

How do you save a prehistoric looking animal that’s ornery, exotic and weighs around a ton? Especially when it lives in places that are hard to get to. That the rhinoceros is in trouble is not a new story. For years, they’ve been crowded out of their habitats, and hunted […]