The USS New Jersey made waves when it was commissioned — the first submarine in the U.S. Navy’s fleet designed specifically with women in mind.
It is Machinist Mate Kianna Gonzalez’s first submarine.
“I am the first female on this boat to qualify as an engine room supervisor,” she told CBS News.
She is looking forward to a promotion, noting she’s next in line to be placed in charge of her division.
The Navy lifted the ban on women on submarines back in 2010, retrofitting bathrooms and sleeping quarters to accommodate them. The New Jersey’s crew, however, is historic.
“I have about 40 women on board, which, there’s no other fast attack submarine with that volume of women part of the crew,” said Steven Halle, the commanding officer of the ship’s 135 crew members.
He said it feels “great” to be heading up a historic crew, noting, “Studies have shown that a fully integrated diverse crew, they just perform better. Up to 15 or 20% better.”
Asked what he thinks accounts for that increased performance, Halle said, “If we have everyone thinking the exact same way, we end up with one school of thought. Having all genders, all races, really brings an additional level of perspective.”
As more women join the submarine force, the Navy says they are bringing important capabilities.
“Integration is not just vital to problem-solving, but it is a war-fighting necessity,” said Lt. Victoria Meyer, the Navy’s Women in Submarines coordinator.
“When I was on the USS New Jersey, I was one of just a couple female officers, and now almost half the wardroom is female officers who are absolutely crushing it out there,” Meyer said.
The crew of every Navy ship has to work as a team. On a submarine, it’s mission critical.
“I think anyone who doesn’t agree women should be in the submarine force has to ask themselves why they would think about that,” Meyer said. “Is it because they have a notion that women are not capable? That is not true. Is it a notion that men can’t conduct themselves around women? Because that is not true. I think it’s an archaic way of thinking.”
The New Jersey is the most advanced fast attack submarine in the Navy’s fleet, capable of carrying a payload of a dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles and 24 torpedoes.
As the New Jersey heads out into sometimes uncertain waters, its skipper believes the women submariners have brought more than war-fighting skills to his crew.
“I’ve learned things from the ladies on the ship,” Halle said. “I think they’ve taught me most, to have grace and compassion. Their talent and their professionalism is matched to the rest of the crew.”