Trump heads to G7 amid trade turmoil

The Stock Swoosh founder Melissa Armo, former Cheney deputy national security adviser Steve Yates and former George W. Bush adviser Brad Blakeman on the U.S.-China trade dispute and the upcoming G7 summit.

Descending the steps of Air Force One with the first lady, President Trump arrived to Biarritz, France to join six other world leaders at the G-7 summit Saturday.

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His arrival comes one day after he announced  more tariffs on Chinese goods, telling reporters from the White House lawn the moves against Chinese imports “are working out very well for us.”

“People don’t understand that yet,” he said.

Fears of a global slowdown are looming ahead of his high-level talks with Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

The president is expected to promote economic growth, adding a working session to the summit addressing global economic issues.