It’s been the sort of year that tests even the most devout among us. So, “Sunday Morning” has asked representatives of three different faiths for some year-end comfort:
Rabbi Elaine Zecher
Temple Israel in Boston
I look into this camera. I see you as you see me. Our grief is real.
This year we have been thrust into loss and loneliness, disease and despair. So, we walk together in the deep darkness.
In doing so, we learn we can see in the dark.
This is the source of our healing: to recognize that we are part of a greater whole, sacred in our interconnected existence.
The Biblical matriarch Rebekah cried out in anguish and pain, ‘Why do I exist?’ We can question, too: What is our purpose? What impact might we have on others?
We may surprise ourselves with our own strength and courage, and discover, in the dark, that we can find our own divine light.
Imam Zaid Shakir
Zaytuna College
It’s definitely a challenging year, and it’s a year that has left a lot of folks bitter, very bitter. Justifiably, because so many people can look back at the ways they’ve been wronged, and the oppression that had been visited upon them, the injustices that they’ve had to deal with.
But when everyone is doing that, the space for virtue shrinks, the space for forgiveness, the space for love.
And to rebuild a viable body politic – to rebuild a society where we don’t necessarily have to agree with each other, but we do have to live with each other – to do that, we’re going to have to try to be better.
And to be better, we have to look at what we can do for others as opposed to constantly obsessing on what others owe us.
So, I think if we can move into that space of “better” and transcend that space of “bitterness,” we’re going to have a very, very good 2021, at least a better 2021.
Lead Pastor Judah Smith
The truth is, 2020 has been a difficult year. It has been easy to lose hope. But I want to remind you there is still beauty all around us. Think of the beauty of Nature. Think of the beauty of a loved one, a friend, a family member. in a friend, a family member. Something as simple as a game night or a virtual hangout.
Here’s just a few things we have been practicing in our family to uncover hope for the New Year.
Number one, take joy in the little things.
Please, number two, enjoy the journey.
And number three, take nothing for granted.
I believe as we practice this, we are going to have awesome expectation and hope for 2021.
From my family to yours, Happy New Year!
For more info:
Story produced by Juan Torres-Falcon. Editor: David Small.