‘Kudlow’ reveals the Biden administration ‘ineffective’ domestic and foreign policies.
Is war fever running through the White House all of a sudden? Take a listen to Madam Psaki at this afternoon’s press briefing:
JEN PSAKI: Let’s be clear. Our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation. We’re now at a stage or Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine. And what Secretary Blinken is going to go do is highlight very clearly there is a diplomatic path forward.
So the story evolves. First, it was diplomacy. Then it was a possible Russian invasion of the Ukraine between mid-January and mid-February. Now, an invasion could happen at any point now.
I guess that means Biden diplomacy has failed. His sanction threats have been ineffective. His diplomats are running all over the globe with meetings, phone calls, Zooms, to no avail. Biden had two virtual calls with Putin to no avail.
The Russian stock market has collapsed down 13% in the last 4 days, down 6.5% today alone. The state’s leading bank lending company fell over 8% today. Oil markets are seizing up. West Texas crude oil has run up to $86. Brent European Crude up to $88. If war breaks out, they’ll both crash through $100.
The Dow is off as much as 600 points today, but at the close down over 500. 10-year interest rates shooting up to nearly 1.90%.
Britain is sending troops and equipment to the Ukraine, ignoring Germany. The German foreign minister is going to Moscow. She has been an unreliable, uber-dovish, so-called U.S. ally.
Secretary Blinken’s going to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Friday. No one knows what his agenda is – his agenda, as is his “America first” agenda.
Russian troops moved into Belarus over the weekend … and the story goes on and on.
We can blame Putin all we want, and he does deserve plenty of blame for his fantastical romanticized illusions about Russian history and power. But I don’t think any of this would’ve happened were it not for the catastrophic, cut-and-run Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan against the advice of his military advisers and just about any common sense diplomat outside of the White House.
Meanwhile, you want to see some strength and toughness and backbone? Take a look in Virginia, where new governor Glenn Youngkin has ended critical race theory, divisions in schools, made masking optional on the advice of parents, and fired the Virginia parole board hours after his inauguration.
His attorney general, Jason Miyares, reportedly fired 30 staffers, announced an investigation into the state’s parole board for letting out murderers, rapists and cop killers early in their sentences without notifying the victims, and an investigation of the Loudoun County public schools for covering up sexual assaults.
In other words, tough on crime. None of this woke, no bail, no jail stuff that we’re seeing in New York City and across the country with radical left progressive attorneys general.
Governor Youngkin and AG Miyares have provided a distinct contrast to the radical left law enforcement progressivism of the Biden era. It is a welcome change. It will resonate nationwide.
I doubt if the Democratic Party yet even knows what has just hit them. But they will soon. Alvin Bragg, the far-left Manhattan DA, is going to become a national figure, a symbol of how not to conduct law enforcement, how not to protect the citizenry, and how not to reduce crime.
This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow’s opening commentary on the Jan. 18, 2022