Hunter Biden is brushing off those who have criticized the prices of his paintings.
He was asked for the first time Thursday to publicly respond to critics, on the “Nota Bene: This Week in the Art World” podcast.
“You seem to have good spirits around the crazed narrative around your paintings. How do you—what’s the response to the people who are coming after the prices of the work, the collectors, what is your response to that?” Hunter Biden was asked.
“Other than fuck ’em?” he responded.
The president’s 51-year-old son said he was not involved in setting the prices for his art debut. The gallery selling the art previously told CBS News the pieces range between $75,000 and $500,000.
Biden said he recognizes that art prices are “completely subjective.”
“Look man, I never set my prices — what my art was going to cost, what it costs, or how much it would be priced at. I would be amazed you know if my art had sold at, um you know, for $10,” Biden said.
“Just because the first time you ever go about it — just the idea that someone is attracted to your art, let alone they would pay something for it. You guys know this 1,000 times better than I’ll ever know it you know but an—I do know enough the value of an artist’s work is not necessarily determined by the price but the price is completely subjective—[inaudible]—and sometimes it has nothing to do with anything other than, you know, the moment.”
Biden cited the banana taped to a Miami wall as example of this subjective art moment.
He also briefly noted the White House-backed agreement between artist and his gallery to keep the painting buyers’ identity secret from the public.
“I have this whole, you know, arrangement where I will never know who will buy and all that kind of stuff,” Biden said before he was steered away from the topic by the podcast hosts.
Some government ethics experts have expressed concerns buyers could purchase Hunter Biden’s art to gain influence with his father, President Joe Biden. Keeping the buyers anonymous is meant to guard against that.
Hunter Biden, however, has two art shows scheduled later this year. One small, private affair in Los Angeles and a larger exhibition in New York City will give him an opportunity to interact with potential buyers.
Asked earlier this month about Biden attending the shows, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “[Biden]’s not going to have any conversations related to the selling of art. That will be left to the gallerist as was outlined in the agreement that we announced just a few weeks ago.”
“We believe this is reasonable a system that has been established that allows for Hunter Biden to work within his profession within appropriate safeguards, so he is not going to discuss anything related to the selling of his art,” she added.
On the podcast, Biden said the first art show is at the end of September when he will “invite friends and family.”
He also talked about the “courage” to share his art publicly, including to the “entire viewing audience of Fox News, OAN and Newsmax.”
“I think I am the most famous artist in the MAGA world,” he said.