It’s Election Day, and CNBC.com’s MacKenzie Sigalos digs into a trove of historical financial data to learn whether the stock market prefers Republicans or Democrats to win the White House. Plus, the “After Hours” team brings you a look at what Election Day in America looks like as the coronavirus pandemic grips the country.
For investors worried about how the election will impact their portfolios over the long haul, fear not: Elections have seldom had a lasting impact on equity prices.
President Donald Trump has warned that the stock market will crash if former Vice President Joe Biden wins the presidential election. Some market experts have also raised concern about the potential for a “blue wave” if Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, win the White House and keep control of the House.
However, history shows that stocks usually do well regardless of which party controls the White House or Congress.
Welcome to Election Day. Nearly 100 million ballots have already been cast through in-person early voting and mail-in ballots. Millions more are expected to head to the polls, which will start closing at 7 p.m. ET. President Trump and Joe Biden capped their campaigns with busy travel days Monday, focusing on key states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and North Carolina.
GOP pollster says the Trump-Biden race comes down to 3 states and Biden only needs to win 1
Longtime GOP pollster and political strategist Frank Luntz told CNBC on Tuesday he will be closely watching the results in North Carolina, Florida and Ohio, describing the trio of states as key bellwethers in determining the election outcome between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.