Details emerge about father of Pulse nightclub gunman

FAN Editor

LOS ANGELES — A federal judge in Orlando, Florida, refused to declare a mistrial in the case of the widow of the Pulse nightclub shooter. This followed a revelation in court Monday about the shooter’s father. After the Pulse massacre, Seddique Mateen became an outspoken figure, condemning his son Omar Mateen‘s […]

Did Kim Jong Un secretly go to China?

FAN Editor

BEIJING — A mystery train pulled into Beijing on Monday and immediately the word on the street was that it came from North Korea and might be carrying leader Kim Jong Un. If so, it would be Kim’s first trip away from home since taking power in 2011. It was […]

Global use of antibiotics soars as resistance crisis worsens

FAN Editor

Last Updated Mar 26, 2018 8:55 PM EDT In recent years, antibiotic resistance has risen to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. Yet despite this growing health crisis, new research shows worldwide use of antibiotics skyrocketed between 2000 and 2015, largely driven by dramatic increases in low-income […]