3 things to look for in today’s jobs report

FAN Editor

Since U.S. equities plunged into “correction” territory in early February, stock prices have bounced around as fear turns to greed and then back to fear. But the magnitude of those moves is diminishing, tightening the trading range of the Dow Jones industrials as investors await clarity on two major issues: President Trump’s […]

Cramer Remix: The red flag in the S&P 500

FAN Editor

As stocks sold off on Wednesday, CNBC’s Jim Cramer noticed a disturbing pattern occurring in the market. “The wrong stocks are going up,” the “Mad Money” host warned. “The universe of winners has gotten incredibly small.” Cramer could count the winning stocks — almost all involved in cloud-based functions in […]

Man’s mysterious abduction unsolved 5 weeks later

FAN Editor

A distraught North Carolina woman is pleading for the safe return of her 27-year-old son who, police say, was kidnapped right in front of her and several other witnesses earlier this year. Four men abducted Charleston Prentice Goodman Jan. 28 at about 6:20 p.m., Durham police say. Eyewitnesses have told […]

Thor Keeps On Revving Its Engines

FAN Editor

Few investors who were alive in the 1970s would ever have dreamed that the recreational vehicle would come back into fashion. But in the latest surge of retro fever, the RV lifestyle is back in vogue, and Thor Industries (NYSE: THO) has been riding the wave higher for a couple […]