Recently I was asked what I thought America would look like in ten years.
The inquiry caught me by surprise as most aren’t thinking beyond their next Bill Gates McDonald’s French fries or fourteen hundred calorie Starbucks “coffee” brought to them by the gun/cop hating Howard Schultz.
With that said it is a fascinating question with many possibilities.
As long as we continue to foster fierce competition, and financially reward hard work, entrepreneurs and technological breakthroughs, also known as Capitalism, these United States will continue to lead the world in the most important category.
Yes our schools are becoming obsolete due to the parasitic teacher unions, a lack of factual information being taught and the loss of talent who no longer chooses to be part of a de facto communist propagandized system, but in reality the way we are teaching our children is dying on the vine due to advancements in the internet that allows children all over the country, nee, all over the world, to learn without leaving their homes.
Coupled with crushing debt, which is everywhere, the shift to online learning was fast forwarded by the RONA and has now created an avenue that inner city schools (survival) and eventually most “public” learning facilities, at all levels, will be forced to embrace as the biggest debt bomb known to Man finally goes off.
America will fare better than the rest of the world but being the furthest house on the street from the dump will have the same results.
It’ll still stink.
Whether history is captured correctly, or not, the man made greed fueled disaster that is coming will be a reminder to those who remember the Seventies, and a whiplash of a wake-up call to those who’ve either forgotten, or have only experienced the markets, stocks/housing go in one direction.
What goes up must come down or in Newtonian verse every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
For example we are being told everything wrong in the world is because of the white man.
Someone pops dirty on a drug test in the Olympic trials?
The white man’s fault.
Over one hundred degrees in Seattle?
Stupid honkies are killing the planet.
Robbery, rape and murder on the rise across America?
It be da white man!
In reality, according to biology, there is no such thing as a white person.
Humans are made up of subatomic particles that coalesce into atoms and then adjoin to form molecules and molecular structure never mind the possibility of String Theory.
It’s the same for everyone but sadly no one teaches “science” anymore so the children, and too many adults, have zero understanding of neutrons, protons, electrons and/or how they work or don’t work together.
Apparently getting lost in nonbinary, genderless pronouns is dramatically more important than understanding how free radicals are eating away at most Americans bodies everyday.
It is nice to see the kids getting excited about language but would learning the seven other parts of Speech be too much to ask, then again I’ll bet most teachers couldn’t rattle off that list either.
My guess is the other seven would be listed as Like, Uh, Um, You Know, Right, Selfie and Circle Back.
Like, uh, you know, um, we should circle back and take a selfie right?
Shakespeare just rolled over in his grave, as the rest of us still amongst the living find it easier and easier to never turn on the television, radio, or internet.
To borrow a Liberal part of “speech” let us circle back to our original premise.
Where will America be in ten years?
That depends on how much more we are willing to take.
If nothing changes, the Federal government will be well over 100 trillion in debt, Social Security will be a myth, and actual food lines could again appear as stores close down and/or are no longer willing to accept food stamps otherwise known as EBT.
Of course by then the Liberals will have unleashed the wolves to kill all the cows, let the forests burn to the ground and outlawed every weapon known to Man, so to answer the question accurately I only need one word.
At least the parts that gave up their guns and can’t run a plow.
The only good news is Type-Two Diabetes will have disappeared, completely, and AOC will be proven wrong for the billionth time.
In the meantime go get your Covid booster, as many as you can, prepare to put your masks back on as Biden and his crew go door to door and always remember.
You are still doing better than Seth Rich.
Isn’t that right Donna Brazile.
Jason Kraus