So Close Yet So Far Away

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I remember the election of Barack Obama.

Oprah was crying, black power fists were rising, The Nobel Prize for Peace was given in “hope” of “change”.

It was as though O. J. Simpson had been found not guilty all over again.

Of course I didn’t vote for the community organizer, a community still leading the nation in daily murders, poverty, and poor choices but as I watched I recognized that Obama had an amazing opportunity.

He had the chance to lead from the front and make a significant positive difference.

Instead he spoon fed Farrakhan hate to his followers, cost the lives of American military and law enforcement, and lead from behind, otherwise known as manipulation, while America continued her decline in all areas.

It was only four years ago that I watched Donald Trump be chosen by the People.

This time I did vote for the election winner and again had that same feeling.

An amazing opportunity was in place as long as Mr. Trump enforced the LAW.

Instead his friends and supporters went to prison, while he spent almost half a decade defending himself from those he should have locked up or been executed for treason.

When you have the facts bang the facts, when you have the law bang the law, when you have neither bang the table.

Mr. Trump had the facts, and the law, but ignored both to bang the Twitter table.

As Herman Edwards once so eloquently stated, “We play to win the game.”

The Democrats/Liberals/Communists/Muslims/Antifa/BLM/etc. play to win the game.

Their demise will eventually follow as the systems they attack are the systems they are counting on to finance their greed.

In other words they are killing the Golden Goose.

We can see this now as humans all over the world are piling into the new life changing technology known as blockchain/cryptocurrencies.

The dumb ones are trying to get rich quick and will probably benefit, as long as they HODL, by being in the right place at the right time.

Those who understand the debt governments have been piling on their nations (another almost ten trillion under President Trump) realize cryptos are another form of insurance and have been leveling in for years.

With the Blue Wave complete, and the RINO politicians running for cover, these United States will more than likely witness the creation of debt never before seen in student loan right offs, food stamps called stimulus checks, further suppression of interest rates, possibly into the negative, and the continued destruction of the Dollar through the workings of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, while adding more mouths to feed through the Dreamer Act, the return to visas for anyone from Somalia and the re-opening of our southern border.

Many will cling to sycophantic support of President Trump and a hope that he will “run again”.

It’s time to let the man go and live his life in whatever relative peace he can find.

He’s done enough.

He tried his best and although it wasn’t enough we thank him for his effort as an American citizen and please Mr. Trump, for your own reputation, quiet your children.

Some will cringe at that statement, justifiably so, as Americans are loyal to the core, but even the Bush supporters finally admitted W. was a disaster and a horrible human, although the Cheney crowd is now circling, trying to rewrite history.

Trump was neither a disaster, nor a horrible person, but his role in this Republic should shift to Freedom Fighter and “King” maker, as the best way for him to now serve is to use his 100% name recognition, and billions of dollars, to find actual fighters all over the country who abhor politics, but will climb into the cage for ONE TERM to ENFORCE THE LAW, and then shed Trumpian light on those individuals.

To say President Trump doesn’t have support is ludicrous, and if he can return to the contemplative forward thinking man that he was before these last four years, the opportunity for him to be loved, which is really what the man craves, is there.

He needs to surround himself with brilliant minds and fierce truth tellers, which is the exact opposite of what we have seen during his time in the Swamp as those he has shown loyalty to flee at the end like the rats they were the entire time.

I hope he does but regardless the man is a billionaire.

He’ll be fine.

America on the other hand is about to lean into a promised “Dark Winter” whatever that means.

The possibilities of The Green New Deal, Medicare For All, and the worst, the reopening of our southern border will cost American lives through economic strife, rationed medical care (already happening) and the return of drug mules, human trafficking, rape and murder but according to the bigoted media this is what the diverse crowd wants.

Through hook or crook, millennials, felons, fraud and the deceased, the Democrats have cobbled together a government with the Big Guy, Willie Brown’s mistress, and the Big Guy’s crack addict son at the top.

Welcome to 2021 otherwise known as the Real Housewives of Washington D. C..

Jason Kraus

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