Beloved service dog honored in elementary school yearbook

FAN Editor

A service dog was honored with a picture inside a yearbook at a grammar school in Florida. Linda, a therapy companion for one of the students, is beloved at Orange City Elementary, and her legion of fans wanted to commemorate her in a lasting way.

Linda is a service dog to 11-year-old Rachel. Her teacher says the pooch has become like another student and decided to include her as part of the class.

Rachel’s mother, Heidi Race, said Linda loves helping all children, CBS Philadelphia reports.


A beloved service dog named Linda.

Dean Stewart Photography

“She will be there to help with tests when the kids start to get a little anxious or nervous,” Heidi Race said. “She picks up on it.”

According to WESH-TV, Linda is a 4-year-old yellow lab from Canine Companions for Independence. She and Rachel have been inseparable for the last two and a half years. In that time, she’s been a frequent visitor at the campus.

For Rachel, Linda is a lot more than a therapy dog.

“Basically, she’s my best friend,” Rachel said. “Basically, it’s me, her and family.”

One of the yearbook photos show Linda in Orange City Elementary shirt and another with a navy polo. The school also awarded Linda with her very own faculty badge and a plaque to thank her for her service.

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