Trump says they’re “going to do a lot” after Parkland
Mr. Trump, asked what specific pieces of legislation he will propose, said they’re “going to do a lot.”
Specifically, the president said they’re going to be “very strong” on background checks, “especially as it pertains to the mentally ill.” The president also said they’re going to “get rid of” bump stocks.
The president also said it’s very important to have “offensive” capabilities, in addition to “defensive” capabilities, after voicing his support for arming teachers.
“I want to have people in the building,” he said, mentioning veterans.
The president also called the suspected shooter a “very sick” person.
Mr. Trump said he spoke with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earlier that day.
The president repeatedly mentioned the importance of “offensive” capabilities. He also mentioned the on-duty school guard who failed to go into the building, and has since resigned.
“That was not his finest moment, that I can tell you,” the president said.
“A security guard doesn’t know the children, doesn’t love the children,” the president said. “This guy standing outside the school doesn’t know the children, probably doesn’t love the children.”
Teachers, on the other hand, will do well because they love their students.