Transcript for Teens on dangerous high speed chase through local streets
Now to that dangerous high-speed throughocal streets all captured on police dash cam and body cam. The good samaritan getting involved. And what police say you should never do for everyone’s safety, especially your own. Here’s ABC’s whit Johnson. Reporter: Five teens on a wild high-speed chase in a stolen car. The cops right behind them. 80 miles per hour. Reporter: The suspect’s vehicle clipping another car, debris going airborne over the quiet streets of butler, Wyoming. To get some kids who they’re above the law for doing a car theft is worth it for me. Reporter: Then, something unexpected. This 20-year-old acting as a highway individual LAN day joining the pursuit in the white pickup truck. Out of nowhere, peekaboo. The kids come out of the car running. Reporter: He jumps a median right in front of police to help block the suspects in. Westenberger chasing alongside the police. The five suspects all caught and taken into custody. But tonight, a stern warning from law enforcement. Look at the big picture as to see what could potentially go wrong. Call 911 and be that person that’s going to be fantastic witness for us. Reporter: Tom, the suspects range in age from 16 to 17. Whit Johnson, welcome to “World news.” Still ahead on “World news
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