Transcript for Newborn daughter of fallen hero does photo shoot with her father’s fellow soldiers
Finally tonight here, our S ofhe week. They were his brothersis fr and now they’re there for his girl. Our ons of the week. It wast fall we first told you the story of britt and Chris Harris. Newlyweds from southern pine North Carolina. Deployed to Afghanistan. He learned while he was the that britt was pregnant. She surprised with this ie while they were facetiming. Chris, you’re G to be a dad. It wasne week later, Chris lost his life ton ied. Whilitt grieved, she neveforger husband’s brothers overseas. So, when she learned whether it was a boy or a girl, she asked them if would tell th world. Yo, so, my boy Harris, you know’re gonna dor him. Reporter: Revealing it for he 3, 2, 1! Oh! Reporteink confetti it’s a girl. And britt docuing her urney every step of the way. Thrses. The ultrasound. Anenas born, britt namier daughter Christian after her father, Chris. And this week, brigaing together Chris’ band of brothers. Back from Afghanistan. The baby girl turning 11 weeks old too. Jusowing that we can come home to a baby girl. It was awesome. Repter: Holding her in their hands.”daddy’s my ” on her onesie. That American flag, and her father’s eyes. Puts I all in perspective. Choose tonight, br ristian,nd that band of So we sold the house!
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