Transcript for Dozer the dog warms the heart of 12 million people
Scholl’s, born to move Finatonight, O B new best friend.their backrd ball and the fence that brought them the. Here’s ABC’s jnvan. Fence and a ball and a kid and a dog. Seconds of video that some 12 million people have watched and SHAR I the past ree days. Sayshe dad who posit on twr — It’s great that people have found some happinen that he had that day. Reporter: Yea why, is it the unexpected that Conway E 2-year-o cg it like that? Nice throw. He saw a ll and he St wanted to chuck it. Repter: On, is it dozer the dog send it back? That’s united. Like the fact that it happened on a visit to a neighbor’s backyard. Conway’swn two dogs at home they detch at all — yet. But isn’t it something elsat gosoatch. That ijule innocent, playful. You want to watch the video of the dog Oka Who that? That’s dozer. That’s dozer. That’s do Reportehing to argue about here seems we needed that. Johnonvan, ABC news. Doz good dog. We thank you John donvan for that story thank you for watching. “Good moing camera” and “Th week in the mng ????????????
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