Transcript for Black Friday shopping frenzy kicks off
Shoppers hitting the malls and searching out deals. More than 160 million consumers will shop over the weekend with the majority planning to make their purchases on Black Friday. According to the national retail federation and ABC’s Victor Oquendo has much more on all of that. Victor, good morning to you. Reporter: Good morning, Dan. These shoppers wasting no time. We’re at the mall in Miami opening up its doors at 6:00 A.M. So far so good here. The crowds definitely growing in size. Just part of the millions of Americans hunting for the best deals on one of the biggest shopping days of the year. It’s the super bowl of shopping. Overnight shoppers across the nation clamoring in stores for Black Friday deals. Got it cooked and headed out to do our shopping like we do every year. Reporter: According to the national retail federation, more than 164 million U.S. Consumers will shop over Thanksgiving weekend. A majority making those discounted purchases today. And while many stores saw shoppers lining up for hours, others looked significantly shorter this year. I think it’s due to some of the online sales. Reporter: According to one poll 37% of consumers surveyed say they plan to do all or most of their Black Friday shopping on the web. Because of this, some stores are finding today to be less crucial to overall sales. We try to spread it out so that it’s a lot easier for our customers when we’re all trying to shove it into one day. Reporter: But about 16% plan to primarily shop in stores. Some call it tradition. I think it’s fun. I rarely get out and about. I work a lot, and so having an afternoon for us to run around and have a good time and buy a few things we’ve had on our list. Reporter: And according to the international council of shopping center, more Americans are coming back to brick and mortar shops this year. If you want to avoid the ctowd, there’s cyber Monday. That’s expected to grow this year too. The holiday shopping season is officially under way, Dan. It is and you are in the thick of it. Thank you very much, Victor.
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