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Transcript for Biden issues 1st executive orders
First of many. Through. Thought was in the nation today fine we’ll get to work immediately. And communicate well. And then resigning numbered at fifty orders over the next total days we. And we start to compound persons Colin. Come home team along with the economic crisis following climate crisis. Management grew she’s. You know. Some check back. Change the course political crisis in the combat climate change in the way we haven’t done so far. And the administration I couldn’t support underserved communities rebuild our economy. These additional starting points and process through. Through. Campaign. And and rob focused on. I think. Coal. And no time to start like that so when only good news. Executive action. Like you can promise and grenade and people always go. You just effective action. Are important an amusement inflation. And through new. Personal around and be signed here is. To. Which we call our. All long. I’m were or have authority man being mass warm. This movie. Property near interstate commerce center. This is the first. And when I’m time. Houston support for underserved communities and already we have. To make sure we. I could be called me commitments to how we treat people help here Americans. Can be happy. Heard. This time investment do well you’ll hear. Is. Commitment I made it when we join our common cold. As of today. And. President. We’re very generous. Prisons private anymore. Welcome. Generous.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
{“duration”:”2:55″,”description”:”President Joe Biden signed his first executive orders on the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration and climate change. “,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/US”,”id”:”75388612″,”title”:”Biden issues 1st executive orders”,”url”:”/US/video/biden-issues-1st-executive-orders-75388612″}