Coal miners find new work in computer industry

FAN Editor

CLENDENIN, W. Va. — The coal industry has lost more than 40 percent of its workforce in recent years. Out-of-work miners have had to find jobs in other fields.  Former miners are heading to the classroom, using many of the same skills they used underground.  In Boone County, West Virginia, […]

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg: TV’s oddest couple

FAN Editor

Any time two celebrity chefs get together, it’s fair to ask WHAT’S COOKING? Particularly when it’s the two celebrities our Tracy Smith found sharing a kitchen:  They might be the oddest couple in television: lifestyle queen Martha Stewart and rapper Snoop Dogg. Their VH1 TV show, “Martha and Snoop’s Potluck […]

A Houston chef that’s living the dream

FAN Editor

Talk about LIVING THE DREAM… Michelle Miller has found a “dish rags-to-riches” story that’s hard to beat:  For Sunday brunch, it’s hard to top this Houston hot spot, where the music is live, and the buffet line long. What’s on the plate draws raves. But the real star is in […]

3 people arrested at Boston “free speech” rally

FAN Editor

BOSTON — A few dozen free speech advocates rallied peacefully Saturday on Boston Common but just like last summer’s event, they were outnumbered by counter-protesters. Boston police announced on Twitter that at least three people were arrested as of Saturday afternoon. Two were charged with disorderly conduct and a third […]

Ketchup, a sweet and sour love story

FAN Editor

Serve fries with no ketchup, and most of us would be SEEING RED. Luke Burbank examines our love affair with this most ubiquitous of condiments:  Ketchup – the ubiquitous condiment that seems to go with everything. CBS News Ketchup is just one of those “American” things … so common, so […]

Creating the bite-sized foods of “Tiny Kitchen”

FAN Editor

From tiny little stove to tiny little plate, finger food of a special sort has captured the fancy of Anna Werner: If you’re hungry, how about a little lasagna, a little sushi, a little pumpkin pie? Emphasis on the word “little.” Because these dishes barely merit a bite. It’s tiny […]

Zimbabweans flood the streets demanding president’s ouster

FAN Editor

HARARE, Zimbabwe — In a euphoric gathering that just days ago would have drawn a police crackdown, crowds marched through Zimbabwe’s capital on Saturday to demand the departure of President Robert Mugabe, one of Africa’s last remaining liberation leaders, after nearly four decades in power. Euphoric crowds chanted “He must go!” […]