A federal lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the family which lost nine family members in the fatal duck boat sinking in Missouri, NBC News reports. The suit filed Sunday seeks $100 million over the incident.
17 passengers died and 14 others were injured after a duck boat capsized during a thunderstorm on July 19 near Branson, Missouri. Five of the deceased were children, according to NBC News.
The suit alleges that the operators of the boat risked passengers’ lives by taking the boat out when they were aware of the severe weather conditions, NBC News reports.
“This tragedy was the predictable and predicted result of decades of unacceptable, greed-driven, and willful ignorance of safety by the Duck Boat industry in the face of specific and repeated warnings that their Duck Boats are death traps for passengers and pose grave danger to the public on water and on land,” the suit said, noting that duck boats have been involved in dozens of fatal accidents.
Here is a list of the nine family members who lost their lives:
Angela Coleman, 45; Belinda Coleman, 69; Ervin Coleman, 76; Glenn Coleman, 40; Horace Coleman, 70; Arya Coleman, 1; Maxwell Coleman, 2; Evan Coleman, 7 and Reece Coleman, 9.
The other victims killed in the incident were:
William Asher, 69; Rosemarie Hamann, 68; Janice Bright, 63; William Bright, 65; Leslie Dennison, 64; Bob Williams, 73; Steve Smith, 53 and Lance Smith, 15.