The jury asked two questions at 5 p.m. ET.
“The first question is: ‘If the jury cannot reach consensus, what is the guidance around how long and what steps should be taken?'” Judge Regina Chu read.
She then re-read some of the juror instructions.
“You should discuss the case with one another and deliberate with a view toward reaching an agreement if you can do so without violating your individual judgment,” Chu said. “You should decide the case for yourself but only after you have discussed the case with your fellow jurors and have carefully considered their views.”
She added, “You should not hesitate to reexamine your views and change your opinion if you believe they are erroneous, but you should not surrender your honest opinion, simply because other jurors disagree or merely to reach a verdict.”
The jury also asked if the zip ties can be removed from Potter’s gun, which has been submitted as evidence so it can be held out of the evidence box.
Chu said yes.