Some Alabamians won’t quit Moore because he never quit them

FAN Editor

Alabama’s Christian conservatives see Roy Moore as their champion. He has battled federal judges and castigated liberals, big government, gun control, Muslims, homosexuality and anything else that doesn’t fit the evangelical mold. The Republican Senate candidate has long stood with them, and now, as he faces accusations of sexual impropriety […]

Trump era sparks new debate about nuclear war authority

FAN Editor

It’s hard to overstate how thoroughly the U.S. military has prepared for doomsday — the day America gets into a nuclear shooting war. No detail seems to have been overlooked. There’s even a designated “safe escape” door at the nuclear-warfighting headquarters near Omaha, Nebraska, through which the four-star commander would […]

The Latest: Zimbabwe ruling party meets to expel Mugabe

FAN Editor

The Latest on Zimbabwe’s political turmoil (all times local): 12 p.m. Zimbabwe’s ruling party Central Committee has begun meeting on demands to recall President Robert Mugabe as party leader. The ZANU-PF emergency meeting is also discussing the call to reinstate former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose firing by Mugabe earlier […]

US general says nuclear launch order can be refused

FAN Editor

The top officer at U.S. Strategic Command said Saturday an order from President Donald Trump or any of his successors to launch nuclear weapons can be refused if that order is determined to be illegal. Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of Strategic Command, told a panel at the Halifax […]