California officials on Wednesday planned to vociferously oppose an effort by President Donald Trump’s administration to scrap an Obama-era policy that slashes climate-changing emissions from coal-fired power plants.
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The heads or top deputies of seven state energy and environmental agencies, including California’s electrical grid operator, were set to testify at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hearing that ending the policy ignores science and will endanger public health.
Hundreds of protesters ranging from schoolchildren to members of the American Lung Association also planned to rally at San Francisco City Hall.
The EPA decided last year to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which required states to set goals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from electrical generating plants by 2030. The policy by former President Barack Obama’s administration aimed to push states to adopt cleaner forms of energy such as natural gas, wind and solar power.
However, because of regulatory procedures, it could take years for the administration to repeal the plan, and expected lawsuits and other legal challenges could delay that further.
California, known for tough anti-smog laws, has firmly lined up in support of the plan and is expected to exceed the required reductions. It is expected to get a third of its power from renewable energy sources by 2020.
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