WATCH: FAA flight restrictions amid Venezuela chaos

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Transcript for FAA flight restrictions amid Venezuela chaos

We are going to turn to the chaos in Venezuela. Massive protests against embattled president Nicolas maduro. He appears to be holding on for now but the trump administration wants him out. The FAA ordering all U.S. Carriers to cease operations there as of today imposing a minimum altitude of 26,000 feet for flights in Venezuela’s airspace citing political instability there. Senior foreign correspondent Ian Pannell has the latest. Reporter: This morning, Venezuela’s chaos intensifying. A journalist covering the turmoil here in Caracas injured by an explosion in the street, microphone still in hand as he’s rushed off to safety. Tens of thousands of people taking to the streets to protest against president maduro demanding change and freedom. His security forces firing tear gas as the crisis deepens. On a regular basis we’re seeing injured protesters being rushed off on mightbike ambulances and being taken to the hospitals nearby. Opposition leader Juan guaido urging the country’s armed forces to join the opposition and defect against maduro. Tensions growing as the U.S. Doubles down on its support for the opposition leader. Acting secretary of defense Patrick Shanahan having this to say after canceling his trip this week. When people say there are, you know, all options are on the table they literally are. Reporter: Meanwhile supporters of president maduro rallying behind him. Seen here unwavering this morning still in firm control of the military. As you heard all options on the table from the U.S. Our thanks to Ian Pannell this

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

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