Transcript for Trump believes he can fire Robert Mueller
And we B W thepresident, furious over T FBI raid on his personal attorney, and Thi question tonight — does the president have the po to fire the special own serobert Mueller? The white house late today saying the president certainly beli he do comes 24rs a we learned of the R nor ael Cohen’s home, his office and his hotel tonight, we have new reporting re on what they were looking for, a the president calling the raid “Anack on country. ABC’s chiehite house correspondent jonat leading us off. Repor in the wake of the surprise raid ones Wyer’s office, prest trump is now openly musing about what once seemed unthinkable. Firing special cel Robert Mueller. Why don’tt mur? Wei think it a disgrace, what’s goi on, we’ll see what ppens, but think it’s real a S situation, when you look at what happened,nd many people havesaid, you should fi him. Reporter: Does thesident ev has the poweroire special cou Robert el certainly believes he has power to do so. Reporter: But there’s real doubt aboutthat. Justice department regulations the special counsel, ot can beremoved from office only by personal act of the attorney general. Jeff sessionsecused himself, the acting atty general in this case is de, rod rosenstein.so, it’s unclear what exactly the president can do.at is clear, the president is furious the fbiaided the home,fice and hotel room his long-time personal attorney, Michael Cohen. It’s a disgra it’s frankly a real disg it’sn attacur country in a true sens it’s an attac on what we all stand fo Reporter: The white house I stng those words today. In what way is an FBI raid on Michael cohen’sice anack on our country? Thinkhe psident has been cle that he thinks THA this has gone far. Rter: That accounts to an attack on ourcountry? Agai I think the pre has been clear his position is. Orter: The president’s closest confidants tell us hes LE incto be teiews bymueller. Something he repeatedly edged to do, even under oath. His anger iso a at attorneneral sessions, who recused himself from the Russia investigation. He should have certainly let us know if he was G to recuse himself, and W would have used a — a different attorney general in. Hema what I consi to be aery terrible mistake fo the country. But you’ll figure out. Reporter: Sessions at the white house Toda but to E the college footba Cham not to meet with the president. Mr. Attorney general, have you spokenh thesident today? Hey, not Toda roll de Reporter: Republican lead cess have a blunt message for the ident. Do not fire the special counsel. He shouldn’te moved from the office.he should be allowed to finish the job. I think the pdent’s too smart to fir Mr. Mueller. He did, it wouldn’tnd the investigation. Let’s get T Jon Karl, live at the white house Ni D Jon, Sarah sders telling you today, the presi does believe he has the power to fire E special own semi. Many ask if THA the case,
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