These days most of the headlines on the internet have no value. The actual columns are worse. Nothing quite like the press, who got everything wrong during the Presidential election, trying to explain how things “went down”. These jokesters all want “street cred” these days. Maybe a bottle of hot […]
Baseball is a white man’s game
Recently a black major league baseball player commented that “baseball is a white man’s game,” when asked why NFL players were having “protests” (in others words cowardly acts of stupidity) and MLB players were not. “Baseball is a white man’s game,” said the millionaire black baseball player who probably thinks […]
Then they came for me
Decades ago as I settled into my seat the college professor began to pass out the syllabus and stated, “You could probably pass this class by just reading the book…but then again. I am telling you now there will be things on the tests that can only be learned in […]
Trump’s one big problem
Let’s just get down to it. If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”. That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon. We can build a wall. His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally. By […]