The once-secret city of Los Alamos, New Mexico, is marking 75 years since J. Robert Oppenheimer invited top scientists to the state in 1943 to build the world’s first nuclear weapon.
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The anniversary comes as Los Alamos National Laboratory prepares for a shift in leadership.
The U.S. Energy Department recently awarded the multibillion-dollar contract to manage Los Alamos to a company made up of the University of California, Texas A&M and Battelle Memorial Institute.
The Los Alamos Monitor reports the lab celebrated its anniversary this month with a day of speeches and activities.
Lab director Terry Wallace talked about what Oppenheimer’s plans meant to the world and New Mexico’s future.
He says the United States has been served ever since by that initial blueprint for bringing together a talented workforce to solve some of the world’s most difficult problems.
Information from: Los Alamos Monitor, http://www.lamonitor.com