WATCH: Daylight saving: The basics

FAN Editor

Now Playing: Daylight Saving Time: Why Change the Clocks? Now Playing: Why Do We Spring Forward and Fall Back? Now Playing: Losing Sleep Over Daylight Saving Time? Now Playing: Trump’s Twitter account briefly deactivated by Twitter employee on last day, company says Now Playing: Australian customers first to buy new […]

Trump won’t rule out firing AG Jeff Sessions

FAN Editor

President Trump is hammering the Justice Department over a lack of an investigation into Democrats and isn’t ruling out firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions if the department doesn’t take action against Hillary Clinton. “I don’t know,” Trump told ABC’s Jonathan Karl when asked if the president would fire Sessions if […]

Bowe Bergdahl will receive no prison time, judge rules

FAN Editor

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier turned captive who pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, will not receive prison time. A military judge sentenced Bergdahl on Friday to a reduction in rank to private (the lowest level), forfeiture of $1,000 a month for 10 months and a dishonorable […]

Trump says military hitting ISIS ’10 times harder’

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump is suggesting that the United States military will hit the terrorist group ISIS “10 times harder” after a driver Tuesday drove into a bike path in lower Manhattan, killing eight people. The suspect identified in Tuesday’s terrorist attack was allegedly inspired by ISIS videos, according to the […]

Trump say American public ‘deserves’ Clinton investigation

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump said Friday the American public “deserves” a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee over a joint fundraising agreement they signed in August 2015. Trump launched a multi-part Twitter attack criticizing his former 2016 rival. Trump writes: “Crooked Hillary bought the DNC & then […]

US considering returning N. Korea to list of terror sponsors

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser says North Korea could be returned to the list of countries the U.S. believes sponsor terrorism, as part of Trump’s strategy to counter the North’s growing nuclear threat. “You’ll hear more about that soon, I think,” the adviser, H.R. McMaster, said at a briefing […]