Even without El Nino last year, Earth keeps on warming

FAN Editor

Earth last year wasn’t quite as hot as 2016’s record-shattering mark, but it ranked second or third, depending on who was counting. Either way, scientists say it showed a clear signal of man-made global warming because it was the hottest year they’ve seen without an El Nino boosting temperatures naturally. […]

Amazon narrows list to 20 for its second headquarters

FAN Editor

Amazon, which is on the hunt for a second home, said Thursday that it narrowed its choices to 20 locations from the 238 proposals it received. The online retailer kicked off its hunt for a place to build a second headquarters in September, sparking a fierce competition among cities across […]

2nd person in a week killed by new high-speed train

FAN Editor

Two people have died in Florida after being struck by new high-speed Brightline trains on the state’s East Coast Railway tracks, sparking concerns about pedestrian safety and calls for a federal investigation. Brightline, whose trains run across several car crossings in South Florida, has been linked to two pedestrian fatalities […]