ISIS and the “Christian Crusades”

jason kraus

Barack Obama believes in a “fair” society. In purporting his belief he “balances” out ISIS (or ISIL…he always has to be different) with the “Christian Crusades”. Wow and wow. That’s quite a distance (centuries)  to travel in the justification of behavior. I’m not going to challenge whether his statement is […]

“Truth is a powerful thing”

jason kraus

Many years ago, in my days as a Sheriff’s Deputy, I was doing a jail check when an inmate decided to offer his unsolicited opinion about yours truly.  I stopped and laughed.  “You’re in here for selling drugs to kids.  I could care less what you think.”  He offered a […]

Right here. Right now.

jason kraus

I make sure when I write to always use facts. Things that are easy to prove and readily accessible to all Americans who are willing to do their homework. Common sense guides me this way. I want to make sure I present factual information. Of course it is nice when […]

The Truth will set us free

jason kraus

Incredulously there appears to be Americans who still believe the current resident in the White House. Bush was a “liar” but Obama hasn’t a “smidgen” of corruption surrounding him. Astonishing. It’s almost as if the famous line “you can’t handle the truth” is correct. Let us take a few moments […]

A Falcon will lead us

jason kraus

Over the last month a friend of mine, Matt Branson, has been reading the first half of Late Bird to his children. He sends me comments about how much they are enjoying the story. Last night he recorded his reading to them and sent me little snippets. I’ve lost track […]

White House talking points straight out of Tehran.

jason kraus

If we live enough years and have enough experiences we are bound to hear just about everything.  Right, wrong, fact, or fiction, eventually “everything” comes into play.  A few days ago a Democratic Senator chimed in with an amazing statement. “The White House talking points on Iran are straight out […]

Late Bird lay down

jason kraus

I’ve received many questions about Late Bird. “I know it’s a novel but is this you?” Yes. It is based on my life. Because it ends in 2016 I couldn’t call it an auto-biography or a memoir. For those of you who’ve read it, you are now part of the […]

Fairness equals two losing teams

jason kraus

A few years ago I listened to an individual try to explain why some Americans don’t hate Communism and Communist propaganda as much as they do Nazism or Fascism. His view was the media during World War II covered the atrocities done by Hitler, and the world was given the […]

Debt, Pimp, and Fruit Loops

jason kraus

When Barack Obama met with “Pimp with a Limp”…we were working. When Obama met with Al Sharpton…we were working. When Obama met with a woman who bathed herself in milk and Fruit Loops…we were working. As stated previously those who’ve been with me for a while know how I feel […]