Prices for iconic brand name cars are dropping significantly, which could be a result of the expanding market for luxury cars, according to a new report.

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According to USA Today, three luxury car brands, in particular, have been affected: Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce and Lamborghini.

The average price of a used Aston Martin dropped 54 percent to $103,000 from its peak average price in 2018, reported USA Today, citing data from analytics firm Thinknum. Meanwhile, the average cost of a used Lamborghini reportedly dropped 56 percent to $207,000 and the average list price of a used Rolls-Royce declined to $198,000 — down 48 percent.

The car companies have been working to improve sales, with Aston Martin’s sales improving by 26 percent in 2018, Rolls-Royce’s by 22 percent and Lamborghini’s up by 51 percent, according to USA Today.